Olga Avchinnicova

Preißl Team – FMEG Center
Innere Medizin IV – Universitätsklinikum Tübingen
Otfried Müller Straße 47
72076 Tübingen Germany
Phone: +49707129-87658
Email: Volha.Auchynnikava{@}med.uni-tuebingen.de

Current Position:

PhD Candidate

Research Interests:

My research interest are :

  • Prenatal stress
  • Fetal-maternal cardiac coupling
  • Fetal neurodevelopment
  • Physical activity during pregnancy

Current projects:

For my PhD study, in the frame of the International Research Training Group (IRTG) 2804, I will investigate how stress influences fetal-maternal heart coupling along with fetal heart and brain development. In order to study this I will use fetal/maternal magnetocardiography.

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