Preißl Team – FMEG Center
Innere Medizin IV – Universitätsklinikum Tübingen
Otfried Müller Straße 47
72076 Tübingen Germany
Phone: +49707129-87658
Email: Amer.Zaylaa{@}
Current Position:
Wissenschaftler – Scientist
Research Interests:
I am interested in biomedical engineering, biomedical signal & image processing with data science.
Current projects:
I am currently involved in DFG-ANR project where my responsibility is:
– Performing bio-magnetic measurements of brain and heart activity at fMEG center, Universitätsklinikum Tübingen, Deutschland.
– Analysis of recorded data with the superconducting quantum interference devices and optical pumped magnetometer in pregnant women and neonates.
– Comparing sensitivity of the two measurements
– Supporting the development of a model for the bio-magnetic signal generation in the fetus.
Previous research projects:
– Automatic Detection of Contractions in Electro-hysterogram using 4×4 matrix electrodes placed on the abdomen of pregnant women at University of Technology of Compiegne, France, and Lebanese University, Lebanon.
– Detection of EMG matrix electrodes alignment using nonlinear correlation coefficient h2 at Lebanese University, Lebanon & University of Technology of Compiegne, France.
Selected Publications:
- Zaylaa, A. Diab, M. Al Harrach, S. Boudaoud. “Evaluation of HD- sEMG Grid Misalignment with Muscle Fibers using Nonlinear Correlation “, ICABME 2015, Beirut, Lebanon, 16-18 September 2015.
- Zaylaa, A. Diab, M. Khalil, C. Marque,” Multichannel EHG Segmentation for automatically identifying contractions and motion artifacts”, IEEE proceeding ICABME 2017, Beirut, Lebanon, 19-21 October 2017.
- Zaylaa, A. Diab, M. Khalil, C. Marque,” Automatic segmentation of contractions and other events in Monopolar EHGs-Monodimensional Study”, The International Arab Conference on Information and Technology ACIT 2018, Beirut, Lebanon, 28-30 November 2018.
- Zaylaa, A. Diab, M. Khalil, C. Marque “Automatic Monodimensional EHG Contractions’ Segmentation”, The International Arab Journal of Information Technology IAJIT, Vol. 16, No. 3A, pp: 609-615, Special Issue 2019.
- Zaylaa, A. Diab, Z. Fawal, M. Khalil, C. Marque “Automatic Segmentation of Bipolar EHGs’ Contractions Using Wavelet Transform“, © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 J. Henriques et al. (Eds.): MEDICON 2019, IFMBE Proceedings 76, pp. 174–183, 2019.
- Zaylaa, A. Diab, Z. Fawal, M. Khalil, C. Marque “Automatic segmentation of bipolar EHGs’ contractions using wavelet decomposition, Mono & Multi-dimensional Study“, IEEE proceeding ICABME 2019, Lebanon, 17-19 October 2019.
- Zaylaa, A. Diab, M. Khalil, C. Marque ” Wavelet and Over-Segmentation Elimination Techniques Effect on Automatic Uterine EMG Segmentation Performance / Quality“, MECBME 2020, Jordan, 24-26 March 2020.
Farah Naaman, Firas Zakaria, Amer Zaylaa, Mohamad Khalil, Khaled Mechref, ”Automatic segmentation of uterine contractions in EHG signals: “Hardware implementation with Raspberry Pi and Arduino Mega”, ICABME 2021, 7-9 October 2021.