Congratulations Dr. Wurster!

On March 29th 2022, Ilena Wurster defended her PhD thesis entitled „Neuroendocrinological and neurophysiological adaptation to stress and relaxation during pregnancy„. Congratulations, Ilena! And all the best for your future plans.

Congratulations, Dr. Moser!

On Oktober 4th, 2021, Julia Moser defended her PhD thesis entitled „Magnetoencephalographic Signatures of Complex Cognitive Abilities in Fetuses and Newborns„. Congratulations, Julia! And all the best for you future plans.

Acute relaxation during pregnancy leads to a reduction in maternal electrodermal activity and self-reported stress levels

Ilena Bauer ● Julia Hartkopf ● Anna-Karin Wikström ● Nora K. Schaal ● Hubert Preissl ● Birgit Derntl ● Franziska Schleger Prenatal maternal stress can have adverse effects on birth outcomes and fetal development. Relaxation … Continue reading Acute relaxation during pregnancy leads to a reduction in maternal electrodermal activity and self-reported stress levels

DDG grant for Katrin Sippel

Katrin Sippel received a grant by the “Deutsche Diabetes Gesellschaft” (DDG) for her project on extraktion and quantification of spontaneous brain activity in fetuses of mothers with impaired glucose metabolism.  

Congratulations, Dr. Hartkopf!

On July 16, 2020, Julia Hartkopf defended her PhD thesis entitled „Investigation of fetal brain function and implications for early child development„. Congratulations, Julia! And all the best for you future plans.

Congratulations, Dr. Sippel!

On July 10, 2020, Katrin Sippel defended her PhD thesis entitled „Innovative Processing Algorithms for Fetal Magnetencephalographic Data„. Congratulations, Katrin! And all the best for you future plans.

Congratulations, Dr. Mat Husin!

On May 25, 2020, Haliza Mat Husin defended her PhD thesis entitled „Metabolic and anthropometric maternal parameters related to changes in fetal autonomic nervous system„. Congratulations, Haliza! And all the best for you future plans.

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