Overcoming brain insulin resistance

Project Content:

Insulin resistance is a hallmark feature of obesity and type 2 diabetes (T2D) and in the attempt to cure and prevent T2D, insulin resistance in the brain plays an important role. In humans, we were recently able to link brain insulin resistance with peripheral insulin resistance, insulin secretion and glucose metabolism.
In the current project, we investigate, together with the department of internal medicine IV at the university clinic Tübingen, whether it is possible to overcome brain insulin resistance to improve peripheral metabolism, maintain or lose body weight and improve cognition functions. For this purpose, different interventional approaches are currently evaluated in patients with prediabetes and T2D as exercise, diet and pharmaceutical intervention. Brain insulin action is evaluated using functional magnetic resonance imaging in response to intranasal insulin, a method to selectively investigate central insulin action. We will analyze insulin-induced cerebral blood flow changes and functional connectivity alterations from before to after the life-style and pharmaceutical interventions. Peripheral metabolism, body composition and cognitive functions are additionally assessed.

Project Supervisor:

{:en}Stephanie Kullmann{:}{:de}Stephanie Kullmann{:}

Project Website:

https://www.helmholtz-muenchen.de/idm/forschung/abteilungen/index.html https://www.dzd-ev.de/forschung/index.html




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