Participation in Tübingen Science Slam

Katrin Sippel and Julia Moser participated in this year’s Science Slam of the Tübingen Graduate Academy.  Pictures of the event can be found here.

DDG project grant for Ilena Bauer

Ilena Bauer received a grant by the „Deutsche Diabetes Gesellschaft“ (DDG) for her project on prenatal maternal stress and its impact on the metabolic milieu under consideration of the fetal and neonatal cardiovascular activity.

Flux congress 2019

At this year’s Flux congress in New York City Julia Moser  was part of the Jacobs Foundation „Science of Learning“ symposium with her work on „Magnetoencephalographic Signatures of Hierarchical Rule Learning in Newborns“ which is … Flux congress 2019 weiterlesen

OHBM 2019 in Rome

From June 11th to 14th Preißl Lab members attended the conference of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping in Rome, Italy. Stephanie Kullmann presented  her work on „Intranasal Insulin Decreases Dopamin Signaling in the Striatum … OHBM 2019 in Rome weiterlesen

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